How to Become a Notary in Washington State

Have you been considering becoming a notary in Washington State?
Becoming a notary public is an important responsibility, but it can also be an excellent way to increase your income – and often provides the benefit of flexible hours.
Before you start the process, some helpful information should help clear any confusion and make sure you’re aware of all your responsibilities as a notary! In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to become a certified notary in Washington state so that you can apply confidently. We’ll go over everything from researching notarial laws to submitting your application and completing the mandatory training requirements.
So keep reading if you want to discover just how easy it is to become a Notary Public in Washington State!
Who can become a Washington notary?
To become a Washington notary, you must meet the following Washington notary requirements:
- 18 years old or older
- Be able to read and write the English language
- A United States citizen or permanent legal resident
- Live in Washington State, or have a place of employment or practice in Washington state
How do I get my notary license in Washington state?
To steps to become a notary public in Washington are:
- The notary applicant must complete the notary application, which includes your notarized oath of office. You’ll fill out the application and then take it to a current notary public to be notarized.
- Get a $10,000 Washing state notary bond from a notary bonding company authorized to write surety bonds in Washington.
- Submit your application, a copy of your surety bond, and a $40 application fee to the Washington State Department of Licensing. You can do this online or by mail.
- After receiving your Notary certificate, you must order a state-required official stamp and notary journal.
How long does it take to become a notary public in Washington?
The state needs at least four weeks to look at your application. Sometimes it takes longer if there are mistakes in your application. You will get your notary commission back faster if you submit your application online.
Is it hard to become a notary in Washington state?
Actually, the steps to become a notary public in Washington are easier than in some states that require a notary course and exam. As long as you meet all the requirements and submit your application on time, it’s pretty straightforward.
Is notary training required to become a notary in Washington?
No. While notary public training is available, it’s optional in Washington state. However, it can be a great way to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations of being a notary public. Plus, you’ll better understand when and how to use your notarial seal correctly.
Is a notary exam required to become a notary in Washington?
No. You don’t need to take an exam to become a notary public in Washington. However, it is recommended that you research and familiarize yourself with the laws governing notaries in your state to ensure that you meet all the requirements for being a notary.
How much does it cost to be a notary in Washington state?
The first cost is the Washington notary application filing fee of $40.
The $10,000 notary bond should cost between $40-$50 from a licensed company that provides bonds or insurance.
When buying notary supplies, the prices of the products you choose can differ. A notary stamp should cost about $15-$25. A journal could cost $10-$50. You might also need other materials like pens, post-it notes, or extra ink for your notary stamp.
Do I need to purchase a notary surety bond in Washington?
Yes. In the state of Washington, all notaries public must purchase and maintain a $10,000 surety bond. This bond protects any person who suffers a financial loss due to an act or omission by a notary public or their employees. The surety bond must remain in effect for the entire term of your commission.
Do I need to purchase a notary stamp in Washington?
Yes, every notary in Washington is required to have an official state-approved stamp to perform notarial acts. You can purchase your stamp from a supplier.
Do I need to purchase a notary public journal in Washington?
Yes, Washington requires notaries to keep a journal of their official notarial acts.
Is a notary errors and omissions insurance policy required to become a notary in Washington?
No, it is not required. However, many notaries choose to purchase this insurance to protect themselves against any potential claims or lawsuits and legal fees that could arise from their actions as a notary public.
How much can a Washington notary public charge for performing notarial acts?
Notaries in Washington state are allowed to charge a maximum fee of $10 per notarial act for traditional notarizations and up to $25 for remote online notarization.
How long is the term of a notary public commission in Washington?
In Washington, the term of a notary public commission is four years.
Can I perform remote online notarizations in Washington?
Yes, Washington notaries public can perform remote online notarizations as long as they have completed the necessary additional application process and registered with a qualified remote online notarization provider.
Before becoming a remote notary you must first become an electronic notary so you can notarize electronic records.
Becoming an electronic records notary public involves submitting a Notary Public Electronic Notary Endorsement Application, a $15 fee, and the name of your electronic notary software responsible for keeping electronic records and your electronic signature. Once you receive this endorsement, you can notarize tangible or electronic records.
Once you are an electronic notary you can apply for a remote notary endorsement. This application is done by email and must include the name of the remote notarization software you intend to use. This software provides the technology required for remote notarizations and an electronic journal.
How to become a notary loan signing agent in Washington state?
To become a notary loan signing agent in Washington, you must first be commissioned as a Notary Public in Washington.
After acquiring your commission, you can choose to take specialized training. Once completed, you will receive certification and will be able to begin working as a notary loan signing agent.
It is also essential to understand the laws governing notaries in Washington state before beginning your work as a loan signing agent.
Most importantly, you must comply with all applicable laws when performing notarial acts and document everything accurately and on time. Additionally, ensure you have the proper equipment (stamp, journal, etc.) and insurance coverage to protect yourself against any mistakes you may make while performing your duties as a loan signing agent.
Are notary signing agents in demand in Washington state?
Yes, notary signing agents are in demand in Washington state. There is a high rate of loan document signings and other notarial needs across the state that require experienced professionals to complete these tasks. As the need for notaries grows, the demand for Notary Signing Agents will also increase.